Senin, 04 April 2011

Untuk Asshole :)

I would have been killed by cold or hunger than to see him happy with her
pain that I feel can not be imagined
friends eat friends-___-now I know all the meaning of your words Tell me you're jealous? take him wrote to you! I sincerely hope you're going out with him, you approach quietly you could be going together:) I really supportive friend amen
other than that yeah I do not forget who hurt you in advance
forever bound to get even basic shortchanged bastard!
you stab in the back: (thanks all
treated you like a dog

I realize I'm not perfect I have a deficiency I emang fat, ugly, and ahhing many

satisfied yet?
if not satisfied just let go I'm not going mad

Hello hello to you bastards!

Sabtu, 02 April 2011

kids kites or other words alayers :D hahasu !

I'm confused loo with them why? they write letters that big-small, and in front of it often uses periods, commas, or something
I once asked my teacher
"Sir, the language is destroying Indonesian Animashaun?" <- I said
"yes really it is very damaging" <- my teacher said

and I concluded that the Alay was not only the way they write, but with the way they take pictures and stuff
they often create problems with people outside or something

their clothing must also be considered a friend haha disgusting

This part of the child Alay:

Complaints day of week :(

Well the day of the week and sometimes I hate it because no one who understands that sometimes there is also invited to play hihi ohh golly but also that too often do not become void all-_____-
angry? cranky? cry? hubbub? disappointed? I would answer yes how else would he want to fail. most like to wake up a bit Sunday afternoon hehe :p yah if anyone asked me to sunmore I would wake up at dawn haha because it certainly kept me thoughts of the night haha dream-come also occur wkwk.

yeaah come on that's all :D

Cinta Dan Benci-Geishaa

Arti kata GALAU --"

Arti kata "galau" menurut saya -___-Ngga tau juga ya, mereka yang menyebutkan kata itu apa sebenernya paham sama makna 'galau' sesungguhnya? Kalau saya pribadi sih, awalnya sama sekali ngga ngerti apa sih sebenernya arti kata galau, maksudnya apa sih.arti kata Galau : 1. perasaan yang tidak jelas, tidak menentu terhadap sesuatu (biasanya objeknya berupa seseorang). 2. perasaan yang datang melanda apabila ada berada di tempat yang romantis, dan suasana romantis, tapi tidak punya

Gue menyimpulkan kalau "galau" itu berarti perasaan yang nggak enak dan nggak tenang. Selidik punya selidik, gue menemukan arti kata "galau" yang sebenarnya itu bulan September. Berdasarkan Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI), "galau"Kalo menurut gue, galau itu adalah orang yang lagi jatuh cinta atau putus cinta atau lagi inget mantannya atau atau atau. Banyak yang gunain kata kata galau di twitter, tapi orang itu sendiri gatau arti kata galau yang sebenernya.

Nah, itulah yang namanya Galau. Sebuah perasaan gelisah. Sebenernya apa sih galau itu sebenernya? kalau menurut para ahli : Galau bahasa Inggrisnya : hubbub, confusion. arti kata Galau : 1. perasaan yang tidak jelas, tidak menentutapi kalo diliat arti ketiga dari kata 'galau', kacau tidak keruan (pikiran) . maka gue yang stress pikirannya gara-gara bingung mana yang lebih imut antara onew atau jinki (eh?) adalah seorang 'galauers' juga, iya kan? atau kalo guearti kata 'galau' sendiri itu tidak ada yang tahu tetapi remaja remaja jaman sekarang lebih suka menyebut kata 'galau' jika sedang dalam keadaan patah hati dan sedang bimbang. tapi ada juga yang mempleseti kata 'galau' . 

The Time To Say It :)

The days that I lead now changed 180 degrees over
because now I step on the 14 years I expect at my age I could be better than the previous
I should be able to achieve success at the threshold of the road later and could make his father and mothersmiling happy will the results of my work so far:) hopefully
amin .